I Love the Bible is a Neccessary Movement

I Love the Bible is a Neccessary Movement

Written by Clarence E. Davis II

A Necessary Movement

The "I Love the Bible Movement'' is more than the acquisition of hats and shirts. It's a declaration of trust and confidence in the Eternal words of God. With this proclamation, we affirm our complete reliance upon its divine revelation of infinite wisdom. This is indeed necessary. In this age of modernity, society loudly asserts "their truth." By this assertion, they seek to give credibility and value to individual experiences. What they long for is a voice, a voice to be heard and received regardless of claims and conclusions. They want a truth you can't disagree with. A truth with no foundation and no establishment except that found in the vacillations of their emotions. Sadly in this time, thinking follows feeling. Actual reasoning, however, involves truth claims that require it to be tested, denied, or found wanting for better proof. Again, this is why a movement such as this is necessary.

 For the World and Society

This isn't to undermine people's experiences nor to cast aspersions on the characters of those recounting them. However, our experiences have to be weighed or put on trial. They mustn't be left up to the vague and vagary notions of our feelings. There has to be a framework for which our experiences can be judged or evaluated because we, too, can be unreliable witnesses of our experiences. False claims and judgments come when circumstances are colored or shaded by the fickleness of perception. Rightly does the wise man say, "Perception kills, but perspective can save a life." Therefore, something beyond ourselves, outside of ourselves, must be the vanguard by which we frame our experiences rightly to determine its effect.

For the Church of God

"I Love the Bible" is a statement that the church should reaffirm as well. Sadly we, too, have turned the everlasting truth of God into re-quotable cliches. This reduction is a crime against the Almighty. The Divine must never be reduced to ordinary nor the sublime lessened to the typical by no one, especially the Bride of Christ. Therefore, we must return to the foundation of our fathers and the precedent of our predecessors, who esteemed the words of his mouth morethan their necessary food. So with this attestation, the church confirms the relation of God as being greater than our preferences, perceptions, and prejudices. That God's truth still prevails and our obedience to it is still the proper response of humanity.

For Real Change

So we should shout "I Love the Bible'' across all social platforms. We should publicize at every venue and business establishment. Its announcement should be by post, tract, pamphlet, text, video, and spoken word. Yes, it should be seen and recognized on our shirts, hats, and mugs, but also in our homes, our lives, and our hearts. It may invite ridicule and scrutiny, but that's a necessary evil and a note of being in good company, for so did they the prophets and believers that came before us. From pole to pole, there must be a cry of worship of our trust and hope in the validity and relevance of Holy Scripture; only with this will our communities be transformed and the world changed. I love the Bible, how about you?

Clarence E. Davis II - is an evangelist, author, book reviewer of Christian books. He also has a blog entitled Infinite Truth in which he seeks to explore and express God’s Infinite Truth for both believers and unbelievers. You can also connect with him on Instagram.

Instagram - Infinite Truth | Clarence Davis

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